A year ago(2/8/14) I had a tear-filled goodbye to my beloved beardy dog, Django, due to kidney failure. To say that she was my best friend would not begin to do her a service. For 5 years of my life I got to enjoy her as my shadow. It was well known that if you were to invite me anywhere I would be bringing her along as well. Fishing, camping, hiking, rafting, dinner, drinks, we were inseparable. Django was a Deutsch-Drahthaar (more info: here) versatile hunting dog. I am of the opinion these are the greatest versatile hunting dog available today. My style of hunting is varied as you will come to see each season. Please take a moment to visit the VDD-GNA website to learn more. Django was absoutely awesome, the end.
Flash forward to this year and I have finally made it to a point that I am ready for a new adventure in bearded dogs. I developed a great relationship with a Drahthaar Breeder, trainer, and also pheasant farm owner/operator Jeff Green. Talk about a great friend to have for a versatile dog owner! Jeff runs Green Ranch(info) and vom Schlussstein Drahthaar Kennel(info) in Everett PA. Not only is he all those things, but he also is a great person, all dogs love him, and he loves the dogs. I think the dogs know he’s THE PHEASANT GUY. Jeff recently bred his dog Emma and she is due this March. We spoke and I will be taking a look at the females that come from this litter. This will be vom Schlussstein’s “G” or 7th litter with all puppies being named with the letter G as their kennel name. Many people opt to choose a call name as I did with Jennie vom Buffeltaler(Django). The puppies should be ready to bring home the 3rd week of May and if I choose a pup I’ll be taking the week off to bond with her in her new environment.
The excitement is building!